An exchange between eastern DRC and Casamance / Senegal 2nd part
septembre 27, 2017
Challenges and Advances
septembre 27, 2017
An exchange between eastern DRC and Casamance / Senegal 2nd part
septembre 27, 2017
Challenges and Advances
septembre 27, 2017
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Challenges and Potential


For the sixth book of « Building Peace » we chose to deal with the theme of « Peace work during elections« . Indeed, our partners and professionals in the DRC, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cameroon, as well as the partners and colleagues of the AGEH in Burundi and the DRC, were and remain concerned about the challenge posed by electoral processes for those which work against fragmentation and for peace and stability.

The events surrounding the elections in Guinea and especially in Côte d’Ivoire have destabilized all of West Africa and both Sierra Leone and Liberia are strongly influenced by the situation of their neighbors, if only by the flow of refugees they host. Our colleague Shecku Kawusu Mansaray, SCP / EED coordinator, conducted a survey in Freetown, Sierra Leone, to gather the voices of the people in relation to the upcoming elections and the situation in the region. We also reproduced an interview with Cameroonian researcher Achille Mbembe on the lessons to be learned from the situation in Côte d’Ivoire and the electoral processes in Africa.

In Burundi and Rwanda the elections took place in 2010. Our colleagues Apollinaire Niyongabo of the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace of Burundi and Christian Kuijstermans, coordinator of the SCP / AGEH program in the Great Lakes region, give us their analyzes on what happened.

We reproduce excerpts from what researcher Mahmoud Mamdani has published about the electoral situation in his home country, Uganda.

In the DRC and Cameroon elections are scheduled for the end of 2011. Members of the SCP network in DRC, partners and professionals of EED and AGEH, developed in April 2011 in Goma principles for actors of peace during electoral period that we reproduce.

An article by Onesphore Sematumba of Pole Insti- tute in Goma on the electoral challenges and challenges in the DRC.

Marie José Mavinga, national SCP/EED coordinator in DRC, gives an example of the role of professionals in such a situation. Desirée Lwambo and Albert Mushiarhamina Kengo of HEAL Africa in Goma share the results and analyzes of their research on women’s participation in political processes in the DRC. Angèle Mazimi and Pierre Fichter from CRAFOD in Bas Congo develop the elements of their organization’s work in preparation for the elections. Odile Bula Bula and Jessie Bohr summarize their RIO initiatives in Bukavu during the last elections in 2006.

Flaubert Djateng, coordinator of the Zenü Network and a member of the CSP / EED coaching nucleus, examines the exclusion of young people from political life in Cameroon.

Christiane Kayser of the support center SCP/EED and Pole Institute analyzes the links between governance, democratization and elections in Africa.

As companions of the SCP in several African countries and consultants committed to population-driven change we advocate substantive work on governance based on elements of legitimacy and accountability rooted in African cultures while including ways of being and doing developed in other parts of the globalized world. The issue is not limited to the results of an electoral process, but rather to the appropriation of political processes by a large part of the population, especially young people and women.

With the start-up of a PCS program in Cameroon in addition to those of the Great Lakes and Mano River regions, our series of publications will be even more effective in facilitating inter-African debates and exchanges of experience. We hope that this publication will contribute to a fruitful dialogue on this important issue and will create synergies between actors in Francophone and Anglophone Africa.

Flaubert Djateng, Christiane Kayser August 2011, Bafoussam, Les Barthes


Introduction ………………………………………7
par Flaubert Djateng et Christiane Kayser

Électionsettravaildepaix:uneéquationdifficile… …………10
par Christiane Kayser

Les élections en Sierra Leone et au Liberia vues par les populations – Interviews croisées en Sierra Leone sur les prochaines élections au Liberia en 2011 etenSierraLeoneen2012 ……………………………15
par Shecku Kawusu Mansaray

« En Côte d’Ivoire, c’est une démocratie sans éthique qui se construit » – L’historien et philosophe camerounais Achille Mbembe livre son point de vue sur la crise ivoirienne . . . . 29
par Achille Mbembe et Sabine Cessou

ÉlectionsauCameroun:lesJeunesàl’écart ………………35
par Flaubert Djateng

LaRégiondesGrandsLacs:lesenjeuxélectoraux ………….42
par Christian Kuijstermans

MahmoudMamdanisurlesélectionsenOuganda …………49
par Sean Jacobs

Élections2011–2013enRDC:contexteetdéfis ……………53
par Onesphore Sematumba

Engagement des membres du réseau SCP Grands Lacs et des participants à l’atelier de Goma (RDC), avril 2011 . . . . . . . . . . 65
Les élections et les logiques identitaires : quel rôle pourlesprofessionnelsSCP ? …………………………67
par Marie José Mavinga Kumba

Participation des femmes, mais à quels systèmes de gouvernance ? – Une étude sur des organes de prise dedécisionauniveaulocalàl’EstdelaRDC ……………72
par Albert Mushiarhamina Kengo et Desiree Lwambo

Le CRAFOD et l’accompagnement des populations aux électionspouruneculturedepaixauBas-Congo …………..79
par Angèle Mazimi et Pierre Fichter

Expérience du RIO par rapport aux élections en RD Congo . . . . . . 86
par Odile Bula Bula et Jessie Bohr A travers la CEJP – Burundi l’Eglise Catholique

ajouéunrôle-clélorsdesdernièresélections ……………..88
par Apollinaire Niyongabo—

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